Bodia Travel ehf and Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy

Cookie Policy

Like today´s websites, we use cookies in order to improve our website´s performance and enhance your experience when downloading or staying on our website.

How does it work and how do we use it?

Google Analytics uses information generated from the use of websites by means of cookies stored on one´s computer. Such information generated will be used for the purpose of creating reports and other statistics in order to know the usage of our website.

Cookies are used to inform us your preferences, the effectiveness and how our website functions.

Can you block cookies?

Yes, you can block cookies. Learn more about it on “Cookiepedia – all about cookies”. You can also use your „help“ function to disable cookies.

Privacy Policy

We honor your privacy and that all information provided by you will be kept only by us. During the course of booking on our website, we will require that you provide us some personal information. It is necessary for us to obtain such personal information. Such information is required so we can get in touch with you in order to finalize the booking process or to get in touch during or after your travel. We may also get in touch with you from time to time to inform you on what is new or might be interesting from us.

Information from you

In order to finalize your booking, you will be required to fill out information such as your name, home address, necessary telephone numbers to get hold of you, email, credit card or other details. Credit card details are encrypted therefore making you more safe with us. As you may notice, our website is warrantied and is Comodo SSL Certified and protected. We will not offer any information provided by you to us to any third party unless required as part of court proceedings.

All rights reserved by Bodia Travel ehf is owned and managed by Bodia Travel ehf. All pictures, text (in all languages) and other information are owned by Bodia Travel ehf. Reproduction in whole or in part of any pictures or text are not allowed. You many not use any information from this website for the purpose of advertising your business or any financial gains other than personal use. Any use of information from this website will be subject to reference to this website.

Contacting Us

If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy you may contact us using the information below.

Bodia Travel ehf
Barrholt 23
270 Mosfellsbaer,

Last Edited on 23rd of March 2016